Angular U

Speaker details

Yuri Takheyev

Yuri Takheyev

Yuri Takhteyev is the CTO of, a JavaScript consulting firm based out of Toronto.

Yuri Takhteyev is the CTO of, a JavaScript consulting firm based out of Toronto, a former faculty member at the university of Toronto, and a published author whose scholarly interests focus on open source and global software culture.


  • HackStack.js: AngularJS Applications Broken APIs Delivered Late

    Monday 3:30 PM to 3:55 PM Ballroom EFG_

    Nearly all AngularJS applications run into back-end APIs that are unfinished, late or broken, as well as subject to frequent revision. The best approach to take is to make sure the front-end team can work independently from the back-end team as needed, allowing them to develop and validate in as frictionless a manner as possible. Yuri Takhteyev (the CTO at will discuss and demonstrate how to move ahead using HackStack.js, a new open source library for solving these challenges.

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