Angular U

Speaker details

Tomomi Imura

Tomomi Imura

Tomomi is an avid open web advocate, currently working as an evangelist at PubNub.

Tomomi (@girlie_mac) is an avid open web advocate and front-end UX engineer, who has been in active in the mobile-space since before it was cool. She is currently working as a developer evangelist at PubNub in San Francisco, and mostly providing use cases and ideas with the data stream APIs by writing demos and technical articles.


  • Dominating Shadow DOM

    Monday 3:00 PM to 3:25 PM Ballroom EFG_

    Divs, nested divs and more nested divs… A pretty web UI with nasty markups is a big turn-off. Now with a new set of new W3C web platform primitives called Web Components, we can encapsulate UI and complex functionalities, just like packing data and functions into a single component, and restrict the access in object-oriented programming. The web components don’t add ugly children in your DOM tree, in fact, they are separated from the tree. The DOM-related methods like getElementById() doesn’t give you an access inside! So, how can you use the encapsulated components and also obtain the access inside and style them?

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