Scott is an a Sr. Frontend engineer at Udacity where he uses angular everyday. Before Udacity, Scott built and taught curriculum surrounding topics like angular, node, and mobile, to hundreds of engineers at Hack Reactor. He has years of building smooth and beautiful UI's both on web and mobile. Most of his time is spent iterating on better and more effective ways to educate engineers on new and modern tech. He's also a father and a gym bum.
This is a one day ES6 + Angular workshop. Participants will get hands on experience by recreating google keep, a simple note taking app, using angular 1.x and ES6. There will be emphasis on how to use ES6 with angular so some prior Angular experience is necessary. You don't need any experience with ES6. Topics covered include:
Afterwards, participants will have a complete Angular app built with ES6 and have full confidence on how to approach it from start to finish.
Build systems with babel, webpack, and gulp
Angular app organization with ES6 modules
Angular Controllers and Services
as a controller or ServiceAngular Directives
Creating test with ES6
ng6 is a one day ES6 + Angular workshop. Participants will get hands on experience by recreating google keep, a simple note taking app, using angular 1.x and ES6. There will be emphasis on how to use ES6 with angular so some prior Angular experience is necessary. You don't need any experience with ES6. Topics covered include:
Afterwards, participants will have a complete Angular app built with ES6 and have full confidence on how to approach it from start to finish.
Build systems with babel, webpack, and gulp
Angular app organization with ES6 modules
Angular Controllers and Services
as a controller or ServiceAngular Directives
Creating test with ES6
Walkthrough of all the build tools, workflows, plugins, and modules for building a proper es6 angular 1.3x app today. Talk about pros and cons about different techniques and best practices.