Angular U

Speaker details

Doris Chen

Doris Chen

Dr. Doris Chen is a Senior Technology Evangelist at Microsoft specialized in web technologies.

Dr. Doris Chen is a Senior Technology Evangelist at Microsoft specialized in web technologies (HTML5, jQuery, JavaScript, Windows 8,and Java) with over 15 years of experience in the software industry. She speaks to numerous international conferences and user groups including HTML5 Dev Conference, O’Reilly Fluent, OSCON, WebVisions, and JavaOne. Doris received her Ph.D. from the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) in computer engineering, specializing in medical informatics.


  • Angular: Go Mobile!

    Tuesday 1:00 PM to 1:25 PM _Harbor AB

    How could you develop a mobile app across iOS, Android or windows devices? We’ll show how Apache Cordova opens the world of mobile app development to web developers. In the session, a “To Do” app using Angular will be explored and then it will be demonstrated step by step on how to turn it into a mobile app, with access to native device capabilities. Along the way, you'll also learn what kind of apps are best-suited for the hybrid architecture and when to make the switch from web app to mobile app.

    Watch the video Recording of Live Stream From Conference