Angular U

Speaker details

David East

David East

Developer Programs Engineer at Google. Full-time Firebase, Part-time Angular.

David East is Developer Programs Engineer at Google. He works on the Firebase team and is a member of the core Angular team. He believes you should realtime all the things.


  • Migrating to Angular2

    Monday 2:00 PM to 2:25 PM Ballroom EFG_

    Time to make the switch to Angular2. This talk will cover all of the fundamentals of taking an Angular 1.x app and taking to an Angular2 version. It's time to start thinking in Components.

    Watch the video Recording of Live Stream From Conference
  • Realtime Angular with Firebase

    Thursday 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM Crown Plaza Pen I&II

    Angular gives you structure to build your applications. But what about your data? Firebase is a realtime database with clients for modern platforms and frameworks, including Angular. With Firebase, servers are 100% optional—you can define authentication rules, manage users, and sync data without any server-side code. We'll cover Firebase basics and build a realtime application with AngularFire, the Firebase bindings for AngularJS.

    Watch the video Recording of Live Stream From Conference