Angular U

Speaker details

Ben Drucker

Ben Drucker

JavaScript developer and open source advocate. Founder of

Ben is a JavaScript developer and an active participant in the open source Node, Angular, and Browserify communities. He's currently working on and building applications to help nonprofits raise more money at their events. Ben maintains a number of popular open source projects, including Knex.js, Bookshelf.js, karma-browserify, and MockFirebase, along with more than a dozen open source Angular modules.


  • Realtime Angular with Firebase

    Thursday 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM Crown Plaza Pen I&II

    Angular gives you structure to build your applications. But what about your data? Firebase is a realtime database with clients for modern platforms and frameworks, including Angular. With Firebase, servers are 100% optional—you can define authentication rules, manage users, and sync data without any server-side code. We'll cover Firebase basics and build a realtime application with AngularFire, the Firebase bindings for AngularJS.

    Watch the video Recording of Live Stream From Conference
  • Reusable Angular Components with Browserify

    Tuesday 3:00 PM to 3:25 PM Ballroom EFG_

    Tired of managing script tags and losing your sanity as your projects grow? Enter Browserify, a build tool that lets you write your code as Node modules and create a single bundle for the browser. Pair it with over 100,000 packages on npm and you get an incredibly powerful toolkit for assembling your Angular applications. We'll talk about organizing existing applications using Browserify, as well as how to publish open source packages that can be downloaded using npm or Bower. Ben will share his workflow and insights developed while maintaining 20 (and counting) open source Angular packages.

    Watch the video Recording of Live Stream From Conference