Angular U

Directives in Angular: 1 + 2 = WIN by Joe Eames

Tuesday 1:00 PM to 1:25 PM   Download Materials

Directives in Angular 1 are commonly known to be one of the most complex pieces of Angular. But there is some hidden beauty and order in directives that can not only make it easy to learn directives, but will also set you on the path to learning Angular 2. In this talk I will discuss some of the deeper, darker secrets of directives in Angular 1, and show how components in Angular 2 are really just a refinement of what we have in Angular 1, while becoming much easier to learn.

Joe Eames

Pluralsight author, speaker, and organizer of ng-conf.

Joe is a full time author for Pluralsight. he has always had a strong interest in education, and has worked both full and part time as a technical teacher for over ten years. He is a frequent blogger and speaker, organizer of ng-conf, and is a panelist on the JavaScript Jabber and Adventures in Angular podcasts.